Friday, 1 March 2019

Knee Pain

Knee pain is very common and can occur due to a number of reasons. 1 in 4 adults are affected by knee pain at some point in their lives.

The knee is a complex structure of 3 bones, 4 ligaments, and 2 muscle groups (the hamstrings and quadriceps). Any of these components can be affected causing knee pain.

👣 Anterior Collateral Ligament (ACL) Sprain
Common in contact sports. Immediate pain in knee joint with rapid swelling.
👣 Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Sprain
Tear of ligament on inside of knee from direct impact or twisting motion.
👣 Posterior Cruciate Ligament is important for stabilizing the knee and preventing it from bending back the wrong way. Sprain causes instability of knee joint with a feeling of the knee giving way. Pain occurs when bending the knee the wrong way.
👣 Patella Tendon Rupture
This injury is extremely painful. Common in individuals with a history of patella tendon injury e.g jumpers knee or degeneration.
Symptoms are swelling of the knee- particularly at the bottom of the knee. There may also be an inability to weightbear or hold the knee straight.
👣 Patellofemoral Pain (AKA runners knee, Chondromalacia Patella, Anterior knee pain)
Pain is in the front of the knee. Occurs when the patella rubs on the femur bone.  Symptoms include aching at the front of the knee and under the patella, tenderness inside border of kneecap, swelling of knee after exercise. Pain is worse when walking up and down hills or sitting for long periods.
👣 Jumpers Knee (Patella tendonitis)
This is an overuse injury causing pain in front of the knee. Symptoms include tenderness when pressing and may appear larger or thicker than the other side. The knee will ache or stiffen after exercise. Jumping activities may cause pain.
👣 Osgood Schlatter disease
This is a common cause of knee pain in children between 10-15 years of age. It is primarily an overuse injury. pain is worse during and after exercise and usually improves with rest. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent further problems.
👣 Meniscal tear
Pain is present on inside or outside of the knee. These can result from injury, twisting, or direct impact. Symptoms are graded I, II, III depending on severity.
👣 Osteoarthritis
Wear and tear of the knee joint is a common cause of knee pain. Symptoms include aching pain in the knee, pain is worse after exercise, swelling may be present with some joint stiffness. You may hear a clicking or cracking noise in your knee.
👣 Illiotibial Band Syndrome (Runners Knee)
This is a gradual onset injury causing pain on the outside of the knee. Pain gets progressively worse. Symptoms are eased with stretching, foam rolling and strengthening.

Risk Factors:
👣 Poor biomechanics
👣 Being Overweight
👣 Overuse
👣 Previous Injury

👣 It is essential that knee injuries are properly assessed so that the correct diagnosis can be made and right treatment provided.

Treatment Options:
👣 Strengthening and Stretching
👣 Orthotic prescription
👣 Steroid Injection
👣 Pain relief medication
👣 Surgery

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