Monday, 16 May 2016

May is Keep Walking Month

May is Keep on walking month and to help support this worthy campaign here is afew tips on the benefits of walking and how to take care of your feet from the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists.

Benefits of walking

Walking is good for you and if done at a brisk pace for regular exercise it helps condition your body and improve overall cardiovascular health in the same way running and jogging do. But compared with running, walking carries a significantly lower risk of injury, it reduces stress and gives you time to clear your head and aids better sleep. It’s the nearest thing to ‘perfect’ exercise in terms of a safe, all-round workout and it doesn’t cost a penny or need any special equipment.
  • If you walk an extra 20 minutes a day, you’ll burn off more than 3kg of body fat a year
  • A single step uses up to 200 muscles. So you’re not only doing a little cardio, but toning your muscles too and walking is easy on your joints
  • Walking can halve your risk of coronary heart disease and help prevent some cancers and cuts cholesterol
  • Walking may slow cognitive decline in adults, especially those with existing conditions such as Alzheimer’s
  • Walking can help to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes
  • Walking requires little equipment can be done almost anywhere and is entirely free.
  • Can help improve circulation in your feet by stimulating the development of tiny new blood vessels.
What walking does to your feet?In an average lifetime, we walk about 100,000 miles, which is tough on our feet. Yet our bodies were designed for moving not standing still, so walking is good exercise. Walking helps the muscles and ligaments in our feet to work more efficiently, and helps keep them supple and flexible.

So even if you have to sit around a lot in your job or at home, try to get up and walk briskly for at least 30 minutes every day. Feet are adaptable and can withstand a lot of pressure before they rebel. If you walk a lot, it’s important to wear the right footwear which won’t damage your feet.

Foot Problems associated with walking
How a podiatrist can help you keep walking

Consult your podiatrist if you start to develop pain when walking, or consider a visit before embarking on your new walking programme.

The main role of the podiatrist is to help you maintain normal mobility and function in the feet and lower limbs. Podiatrists provide the basis for the ideal walking style and posture and identify any  conditions that may require further referral and management. They also relieve pain, treat infections and skin, nail, soft tissue and connective tissue problems. This is achieved in conjunction with other members of a multi-disciplinary health care team. Podiatrists can also give expert advice on footwear, so it is a good idea to take your walking  shoes with you when you go to  see your podiatrist.

For more information visit:

Ingrowing Toe Nails

One of the most common reasons I see patients in my Podiatry clinic is for treatment of Ingrowing toe nails. But what are they? and what can be done about them?

Ingrowing toe nails occur when the side of the toenail begins to grow into the skin of the toe. The big toe is most commonly affected, but it is possible to occur in the other toes aswell.  This may then cause pain and discomfort, particularly when pressure is applied to the toe, which will limit and have an effect on daily activities for example, walking.
What are the Symptoms of Ingrowing nails?
You may feel anything from mild discomfort to extreme pain. Symptoms will vary between all individuals and may include:
  • Slight discomfort when pressure is applied to the nail
  • Pain on touch, particularly when the foot is in a shoe, or when under the bed sheets at night.
  • The toe maybe red, shiny and swollen.
  • There may be overgrowth of skin around the nail.
  • Infection may be present- you may see pus or discharge coming from the nail.
  • Bleeding may occur
It is also important to identify if you do have an ingrowing toe nail. It could also just be a curved nail (or involuted nail). These nails can be just as painful but the nail has not pierced the skin. It maybe that debris (dry skin) or a corn has formed down the side of the nail. This can be easily treated by a Podiatrist  who can clear down the side of the nail and relive your symptoms.
Causes of Ingrowing Toenails:
There are many reasons why ingrowing toe nails occur and they are not necessarily due to poor nail cutting technique.
  • Injury to the toe- For example, Stubbing your  toe.
  • Tight fitting hosiery or shoes- This causes excessive pressure on the toes.
  • Gait- The way you walk can affect your toes. If your foot rolls inward too much (pronates) this can cause excessive pressure on your toes, leading to deformity of nail shape.
  • Foot deformities- Bunions and hammer toes can also cause ingrowing nails.
  • Sweaty Feet- Moisture in the skin can make the skin weaker and therefore easily penetrated by nail.
  • Brittle Nails- As the nails break off the spikes remaining can easily pierce the skin.
  • Fungal Nail infection
  • Poor nail cutting technique- Cutting the nails too short or digging down the sides of the nail can lead to the nail piercing the skin.
Self Care
If you think you may have an ingrowing nail here are some tips of how you can self care at home:
·         Salt foot baths may help relieve some discomfort.
·         Wear comfortable fitting shoes.

·         Correct nail cutting technique:
            - Cut the nails straight across (it is best to use nail nippers than nail
              clippers as the edge is smaller and not as curved)
            - Don't cut the nails too short.
            - Keep the corner edge visible so it is above the skin and therefore
              not able to dig in the skin.

·         Good foot hygiene
                        - Keeping feet clean
                        - Change socks regularly
When to seek professional help by a Podiatrist:
·         If left untreated an ingrowing nail may become infected, so if unsure it is best to get a Podiatrists opinion.
·         Patients with  poor or weakened immune system, or diabetes should also get checked out as you are more susceptible to infection.
Treatment from a Podiatrist can vary, an ingrowing toe nail does not necessarily mean you will need nail surgery so it is best to seek advice if needed. Podiatrists can:
·       Remove the nail spike or piece of nail digging into the skin.
·       Debride or remove any corns/hard skin lying underneath the nail to clear the nail edge
·       If the nail is too painful to touch the piece of nail can be removed using a local anaesthetic  so that you will not feel any pain as the nail spike is removed.
·       If infection is present antibiotics maybe prescribed. The infection will not fully go until the nail spike has been removed.
·       If the ingrowing nail is persistent and frequently returns it may then be a good idea to undergo nail surgery. This involves removal of either the side or all your nail under local anaesthetic. A chemical called Phenol is used and placed on the nail bed to stop the nail permanently  growing back. It is worth discussing  these options in more detail with your Podiatrist.
Disclaimer- This blog is for information only and should not replace Medical attention if needed.